Servicing your air conditioner

Spring is the best time to service your Air conditioner

You might be still feeling the winter chills, but spring is actually the best time of year to service your air conditioning system, and here’s why!

Why service your Air conditioner?

Air conditioner systems run best when they are regularly maintained. Here at MPE Group, our HVAC specialists recommend getting your air-con system serviced at least once a year. Regular maintenance can help you to avoid the build up of dust and dirt, which accumulates in the fans, filters, coils, and other external parts. When you turn on the air-con, the debris will slowly damage the internal components and decrease the overall efficiency of the unit.

Servicing your air-con unit also improves the lifespan of the system. Regular maintenance ensures that small issues are detected early, to avoid them becoming bigger problems that may cause lasting damage to your air-con system.

What’s more, servicing your air conditioner actually helps to clean your space and make it healthier for those using it. Well-maintained air-con systems can improve indoor air quality, preventing respiratory issues and skin allergies. Servicing your air-con unit also inhibits the growth of microbes, mould, mildew, and other contaminants to improve air quality and keep your space feeling fresh and clean.

Another important reason for servicing your air-con is to avoid putting your business operations at risk. If you haven’t serviced your air-con system and there are issues with it when you need to start using it in summer, you could have to shut down operations until you are able to get it up and running again.

Put simply, if your AC system is not regularly maintained, it will not be able to cool your space properly resulting in high power bills, possible operation shutdown, potential health issues, as well as hot and frustrated employees and clients!

MPE Group offers Specialist Commercial HVAC Services including maintenance and air-con servicing, want to find out more? Click below to see our Maintenance Services.

Don’t wait for summer, get your Air-Con serviced in spring!

Having your AC system ready to go once the warmer weather begins will save you a lot of hassles in the long run. For starters, getting in early ensures you will beat the summer rush to get your AC system serviced. What’s more, getting your system serviced while the weather is still cool means that your operations shouldn’t be affected by any down time in system usage.

Another reason for getting in early, is to make sure that any repairs that need doing or parts that need replacing can be finalised before the heat sets in. You may need to have a part replaced that needs to be ordered in, so make sure you leave yourself enough time to get your system running smoothly in time for the summer heat.

For professional and experienced air conditioning services, MPE Group’s qualified team of commercial HVAC technicians are here to help. If you would like more information or to schedule a professional cleaning or maintenance service please contact us.